
Let’s Encrypt は、無料で利用できる自動化されていてオープンな認証局(CA)です。インターネット上での身分証明書にあたるssl証明書は、高額で手が出ませんが、時代は確実にssl証明書無しではサイトにすら来てもらえない厳しい時代に突入していることは確かです。





[root@ufuso ~]# yum install epel-release

「certbot certbot-nginx」部分を「python-certbot-apache」に変更のこと
[root@ufuso ~]# yum --enablerepo=epel -y install certbot certbot-nginx
  certbot.noarch 0:0.19.0-1.el7   python2-certbot-nginx.noarch 0:0.19.0-1.el7  

  dialog.x86_64 0:1.2-4.20130523.el7                                            
  pyOpenSSL.x86_64 0:0.13.1-3.el7                                               
  pyparsing.noarch 0:1.5.6-9.el7                                                
  python-backports.x86_64 0:1.0-8.el7                                           
  python-backports-ssl_match_hostname.noarch 0:                    
  python-cffi.x86_64 0:1.6.0-5.el7                                              
  python-chardet.noarch 0:2.2.1-1.el7_1                                         
  python-enum34.noarch 0:1.0.4-1.el7                                            
  python-idna.noarch 0:2.4-1.el7                                                
  python-ipaddress.noarch 0:1.0.16-2.el7                                        
  python-ndg_httpsclient.noarch 0:0.3.2-1.el7                                   
  python-parsedatetime.noarch 0:1.5-3.el7                                       
  python-ply.noarch 0:3.4-11.el7                                                
  python-pycparser.noarch 0:2.14-1.el7                                          
  python-requests.noarch 0:2.6.0-1.el7_1                                        
  python-setuptools.noarch 0:0.9.8-7.el7                                        
  python-six.noarch 0:1.9.0-2.el7                                               
  python-urllib3.noarch 0:1.10.2-3.el7                                          
  python-zope-component.noarch 1:4.1.0-3.el7                                    
  python-zope-event.noarch 0:4.0.3-2.el7                                        
  python-zope-interface.x86_64 0:4.0.5-4.el7                                    
  python2-acme.noarch 0:0.19.0-1.el7                                            
  python2-certbot.noarch 0:0.19.0-1.el7                                         
  python2-configargparse.noarch 0:0.11.0-1.el7                                  
  python2-cryptography.x86_64 0:1.7.2-1.el7_4.1                                 
  python2-dialog.noarch 0:3.3.0-6.el7                                           
  python2-future.noarch 0:0.16.0-2.el7                                          
  python2-mock.noarch 0:1.0.1-9.el7                                             
  python2-psutil.x86_64 0:2.2.1-2.el7                                           
  python2-pyasn1.noarch 0:0.1.9-7.el7                                           
  python2-pyrfc3339.noarch 0:1.0-2.el7                                          
  pytz.noarch 0:2016.10-2.el7                                                   



[root@ufuso ~]# certbot run --nginx -d ufuso.dip.jp -d topi.0t0.jp
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Plugins selected: Authenticator nginx, Installer nginx
Enter email address (used for urgent renewal and security notices) (Enter 'c' to
cancel): tu@ufuso.dip.jp
Starting new HTTPS connection (1): acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org

Please read the Terms of Service at
https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.2-November-15-2017.pdf. You must
agree in order to register with the ACME server at
(A)gree/(C)ancel: A

Would you be willing to share your email address with the Electronic Frontier
Foundation, a founding partner of the Let's Encrypt project and the non-profit
organization that develops Certbot? We'd like to send you email about EFF and
our work to encrypt the web, protect its users and defend digital rights.
(Y)es/(N)o: N
Obtaining a new certificate
Performing the following challenges:
tls-sni-01 challenge for ufuso.dip.jp
tls-sni-01 challenge for topi.0t0.jp
Waiting for verification...
Cleaning up challenges
An unexpected error occurred:
There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new cert 
:: too many certificates already issued for: dip.jp
Please see the logfiles in /var/log/letsencrypt for more details.

 - Your account credentials have been saved in your Certbot
   configuration directory at /etc/letsencrypt. You should make a
   secure backup of this folder now. This configuration directory will
   also contain certificates and private keys obtained by Certbot so
   making regular backups of this folder is ideal.


[root@ufuso ~]# certbot
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Plugins selected: Authenticator nginx, Installer nginx
Starting new HTTPS connection (1): acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org
Which names would you like to activate HTTPS for?
1: topi.0t0.jp
2: ufuso.dip.jp
3: ufuso.org
Select the appropriate numbers separated by commas and/or spaces, or leave input
blank to select all options shown (Enter 'c' to cancel): 1
Obtaining a new certificate
Performing the following challenges:
tls-sni-01 challenge for topi.0t0.jp
Waiting for verification...
Cleaning up challenges
Deployed Certificate to VirtualHost /etc/nginx/nginx.conf for set(['topi.0t0.jp'])
Please choose whether or not to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS, removing HTTP access.
1: No redirect - Make no further changes to the webserver configuration.
2: Redirect - Make all requests redirect to secure HTTPS access. Choose this for
new sites, or if you're confident your site works on HTTPS. You can undo this
change by editing your web server's configuration.
Select the appropriate number [1-2] then [enter] (press 'c' to cancel): 2
Redirecting all traffic on port 80 to ssl in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Congratulations! You have successfully enabled https://topi.0t0.jp

You should test your configuration at:

 - Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:
   Your key file has been saved at:
   Your cert will expire on 2018-02-19. To obtain a new or tweaked
   version of this certificate in the future, simply run certbot again
   with the "certonly" option. To non-interactively renew *all* of
   your certificates, run "certbot renew"
 - If you like Certbot, please consider supporting our work by:

   Donating to ISRG / Let's Encrypt:   https://letsencrypt.org/donate
   Donating to EFF:                    https://eff.org/donate-le


[root@ufuso ~]# certbot
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Plugins selected: Authenticator nginx, Installer nginx
Starting new HTTPS connection (1): acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org
Which names would you like to activate HTTPS for?
1: topi.0t0.jp
2: ufuso.dip.jp
3: ufuso.org
Select the appropriate numbers separated by commas and/or spaces, or leave input
blank to select all options shown (Enter 'c' to cancel): 3
Cert not yet due for renewal

You have an existing certificate that has exactly the same domains or certificate name you requested and isn't close to expiry.
(ref: /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/ufuso.org.conf)

What would you like to do?
1: Attempt to reinstall this existing certificate
2: Renew & replace the cert (limit ~5 per 7 days)
Select the appropriate number [1-2] then [enter] (press 'c' to cancel):  2
Renewing an existing certificate
Performing the following challenges:
tls-sni-01 challenge for ufuso.org
Waiting for verification...
Cleaning up challenges
Deployed Certificate to VirtualHost /etc/nginx/nginx.conf for set(['ufuso.org'])
Please choose whether or not to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS, removing HTTP access.
1: No redirect - Make no further changes to the webserver configuration.
2: Redirect - Make all requests redirect to secure HTTPS access. Choose this for
new sites, or if you're confident your site works on HTTPS. You can undo this
change by editing your web server's configuration.
Select the appropriate number [1-2] then [enter] (press 'c' to cancel):  2
The appropriate server block is already redirecting traffic. To enable redirect anyway, uncomment the redirect lines in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

Your existing certificate has been successfully renewed, and the new certificate
has been installed.

The new certificate covers the following domains: https://ufuso.org

You should test your configuration at:

 - Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:
   Your key file has been saved at:
   Your cert will expire on 2018-02-22. To obtain a new or tweaked
   version of this certificate in the future, simply run certbot again
   with the "certonly" option. To non-interactively renew *all* of
   your certificates, run "certbot renew"
 - If you like Certbot, please consider supporting our work by:

   Donating to ISRG / Let's Encrypt:   https://letsencrypt.org/donate
   Donating to EFF:                    https://eff.org/donate-le


[root@ufuso ~]# vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
#user  nginx;
user  apache;
#worker_processes  1;
worker_processes auto;

error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log warn;
pid        /var/run/nginx.pid;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;
    use epoll; #I/O多重化指定

http {
    include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;

    log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                      '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                      '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';

    access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log  main;

    sendfile        on;
    #tcp_nopush     on;

    keepalive_timeout  65;

    gzip  on;

    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;

    server {
        listen       80 ;
        listen       [::]:80;
        listen       443 ssl http2;
        server_name  topi.0t0.jp;
        #root  /var/www/html;
        root   /usr/share/nginx/html;
        index index.php index.html index.htm;
        ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/topi.0t0.jp/fullchain.pem; # managed by Certbot
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/topi.0t0.jp/privkey.pem; # managed by Certbot

    if ($scheme != "https") {
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    } # managed by Certbot


    server {
        listen       80 default_server;
        listen       [::]:80 default_server;
        listen       443 ssl http2;
        server_name  ufuso.dip.jp;
        root  /var/www/html;
        #root         /usr/share/nginx/html;
        index index.php index.html index.htm;
        ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
        ssl_certificate      /etc/pki/tls/certs/server.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key  /etc/pki/tls/certs/server.key;

    if ($scheme != "https") {
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    } # managed by Certbot

        # Load configuration files for the default server block.
        include /etc/nginx/default.d/*.conf;

        location ~ \.php$ {
            include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
            fastcgi_index index.php;
            fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

        error_page 404 /404.html;
            location = /40x.html {

        error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
            location = /50x.html {
    server {
        server_name ufuso.org; #クライアントがアクセスするURL
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        location / {
        proxy_pass; #ウェブサーバーBのIPアドレス

    if ($scheme != "https") {
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    } # managed by Certbot

    # Redirect non-https traffic to https
    # if ($scheme != "https") {
    #     return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    # } # managed by Certbot

        server {
        listen       443 ssl http2;
        server_name ufuso.org; #クライアントがアクセスするURL
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        location / {
        proxy_pass; #ウェブサーバーBのIPアドレス
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/ufuso.org/fullchain.pem; # managed by Certbot
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/ufuso.org/privkey.pem; # managed by Certbot




[root@ufuso ~]# certbot renew --pre-hook "service nginx stop" --post-hook "service nginx start"
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log

Processing /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/topi.0t0.jp.conf
Cert not yet due for renewal

Processing /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/ufuso.org.conf
Cert not yet due for renewal

The following certs are not due for renewal yet:
  /etc/letsencrypt/live/topi.0t0.jp/fullchain.pem (skipped)
  /etc/letsencrypt/live/ufuso.org/fullchain.pem (skipped)
No renewals were attempted.
No hooks were run.

[root@ufuso ~]# yum -y install cronie-noanacron


[root@ufuso~]# vi /etc/crontab

# For details see man 4 crontabs

# Example of job definition:
# .---------------- minute (0 - 59)
# |  .------------- hour (0 - 23)
# |  |  .---------- day of month (1 - 31)
# |  |  |  .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
# |  |  |  |  .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
# |  |  |  |  |
# *  *  *  *  * user-name  command to be executed
 0  5  *  *  0 root certbot renew -q --pre-hook "service nginx stop" --post-hook "service nginx start"



メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です


このサイトはスパムを低減するために Akismet を使っています。コメントデータの処理方法の詳細はこちらをご覧ください